Established in 2010, the Real Bread Week campaign is an annual celebration of real, additive-free bread and the people who make it. Real Bread week falls between 18th - 26th February 2023. This campaign aims to encourage people to buy bread from their local and independent bakeries in order to support small businesses and local economies or, have a go and bake bread at home. This may well have been common practice during lockdowns and something that you may have kept up with, but there is always a new recipe to try out.
Sustain is a charity whose main goal is to encourage people to work together to improve food, farming and fishing. They campaign for a healthy and sustainable food system which is publicly accountable and socially and environmentally responsible. Their projects fall across many areas including good food for all, good food economy and the cost of living crisis.
Real Bread will be made with all-natural ingredients and without processing aids, chemicals and additives. Unfortunately over 95% of the loaves sold in Britain fail to meet this criteria.
Bakers and retailers who are selling Real Bread should display the Loaf Mark either on the product packaging or shelf/basket of any bread product that they advertise as additive free. If this is applicable to all bread products available then a poster or signage should make this clear. For online shoppers, look out for the Loaf Mark which should be displayed appropriately on the retailer's website. You can always look for a full list of ingredients, if it’s true Real Bread then the list will be short. To find out more, head to the Sustain website.
Real Bread Week is a great chance for bakeries, schools, youth groups, care homes and beyond to hold events, activities and run classes to raise awareness and money for this worthy cause. Making bread is great fun and it can be a useful skill that you will keep with you for life. It’s affordable and avoids all of the nasty additives that are often in industrial loaf products. Some people find making bread therapeutic and of course you can’t beat the smell and taste of freshly made Real Bread! If you aren’t a baker, support your local bakeries by buying their Real Bread and share your reviews online.
Baking bread may sound a little daunting but actually it only requires a few ingredients, a large mixing bowl and a baking tray or loaf tin.
If you still find the very thought of baking bread by hand quite overwhelming, then a bread maker could be a great choice for you. They usually have several different settings allowing you to easily make a variety of different breads and doughs. They often come with recipe books for inspiration as well as measuring guides and easy to follow instructions. Take a look at our range of bread makers here and you’ll be baking homemade, Real Bread in no time.
Join the campaign, support this great charity and share your home baked Real Bread photos online, across social media and on our Facebook page, we’d love to see them!